

Hello my loyal followers!!! I know there are some of you! Maybe!

Anyway, this blog doesn't get to many post's any more. My fish and hermit crabs are fine. My fish had a ton of babies. 3 of my hermit crabs are molting, and the other 2 are happy.

And i am getting pet Quail! I am super excited. I am getting them in a few weeks, but have allready made my blog for them!

Check it out if you would like!

This blog may get more posts sometime, but i am really busy. Maybe i will make a new blog just for my fish and hermit crabs! Maybe not. I'm not sure. But, bye for now!

Thanks! Bye :)


  1. It is so exciting about your quails!!! I will look at your other blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's so exciting! I will look at your new blog!!
