Hello my loyal followers!!! I know there are some of you! Maybe!
Anyway, this blog doesn't get to many post's any more. My fish and hermit crabs are fine. My fish had a ton of babies. 3 of my hermit crabs are molting, and the other 2 are happy.
And i am getting pet Quail! I am super excited. I am getting them in a few weeks, but have allready made my blog for them!
Check it out if you would like!
This blog may get more posts sometime, but i am really busy. Maybe i will make a new blog just for my fish and hermit crabs! Maybe not. I'm not sure. But, bye for now!
Thanks! Bye :)
My Amazing blog
My fish had babies! They are adorable and tiny... and there are a lot of them... like 20 but there could be more. I have no idea what i'm gonna do with them!!!
My new fish tank ( And new fish )
This is from my old 10 gallon tank. Here is a picture of two of the cherry barbs i added. Those two are females. The males are much brighter red.
More platys
And my beautiful speckled platy.
And some platys from my new tank
My lovely betta :)More platys
And my beautiful speckled platy.
Tada! I added a bunch more plants to both tanks so they look better than they do in these pictures.
New aquarium!!!
Woohoo! My aquarium hobby grows as i get a new aquarium. I am going to buy it today if the store has it in stock. After a month or two of cycling, i will be able to add fish and move some of my current fish over there.
I think in my current aquarium i will leave my
2 guppies
2 oto catfish.
And add 3 or 4 more guppies.
In my new aquarium i will move my
1 platy
3 cory catfish
and then add 3 platies and a Betta. Bettas are so pretty!! I can't wait to get one.
I think in my current aquarium i will leave my
2 guppies
2 oto catfish.
And add 3 or 4 more guppies.
In my new aquarium i will move my
1 platy
3 cory catfish
and then add 3 platies and a Betta. Bettas are so pretty!! I can't wait to get one.
.... and the bad
One of my fishies is sick, sadly. My platy mango started swimming wierdly yesterday, so i put her in this breeding net thing so she could rest.
I am not giving her any medicine because i have no idea what's wrong with her. Maybe she's just old.
The good news...
I just got 3 more hermit crabs....
Here are some pictures!
This is Plum ( Male )
Plum again....
Here are some pictures!
This is Plum ( Male )
Plum again....
This is currently unnamed. I'm thinking a name along the lines of Kiwi or Blueberry. ( male )
Him again
And this is Cherry!!!! She doesn't really look like a Cherry, but Cherry is sorta a girls name, and she was the only girl.
Coming out of her shell...So those are my new hermies!!!! They all seem pretty active and healthy!
This is my hermit crab tank. If you look closely you can see Skittles on the top on one of the logs.
New fishies
I added two new fishies to my fish tank ( Two cory catfish )
This is my fish count right now.
2 platies ( Sunny and Mango )
2 guppies ( Dilbert and Picasso )
2 otos ( Slurpie and Wink )
3 cory catfish ( Nickel, George and Pinky. )
Now Nickel has some buddies. Its sort of a lot of fish for my 10 gallon tank but i clean it weekly so all's well.
This is my fish count right now.
2 platies ( Sunny and Mango )
2 guppies ( Dilbert and Picasso )
2 otos ( Slurpie and Wink )
3 cory catfish ( Nickel, George and Pinky. )
Now Nickel has some buddies. Its sort of a lot of fish for my 10 gallon tank but i clean it weekly so all's well.
greece and italy
At last i am going to get around to posting pictures of my trip to Greece and italy.
There were lots and lots of pigeons there. Very pretty pigeons!
This is the parthenon, a temple to Athena. It has been destroyed by invaders over the centuries, so some people are restoring it ( Hence the cranes in the back ground )
This is Hydra. Its an island. (You can't really tell because you can't see the ocean, but whatevs ) Its a pretty awesome place, but it was really hot when we were there....
There were pretty flowers every where!
An awesome thing about Hydra, is there were no cars any where. You have to walk, boat, or last but not least take a donkey! There are donkeys every where in Hydra but its very clean.
And there are adorable stray cats. They really arent that stray because they are so tame. They are used to being fed my people. There are so many adorable kittens and cats everywhere!
Somehow i don't have any pictures of venice, but thats okay. Venice is totally amazing just to BE in. Its so cool how there are canals everywhere and no roads. The only problem is there is absolutely NO vegetation. You will see a tree now and then, but it's hard to grow plants on what is essentially a man made island. But i think venice was my favorite place. And there were plenty of plants on our next stop...
Here is Sienna, off in the italian country side. Instead of sight seeing, we sat around and relaxed most of the time... We were surrounded my grape vines.... it was so pretty.
Lastly, we went to rome. It was very historical and pretty awesome. There were a ton of temples and ruins everywhere, yet somehow this picture of a stained glass window is the only one i have. Oh, by the way, the churches there are reeaally ellaborate and pretty amazing.
So yup. That was my trip to europe. ( This happened in august, i was just too lazy to post this earlier )
My adorable little hermit crabs :)
This is Skittles, she's my biggest crab but she is still not too big.
This is Peanut. Sadly she died probably from the stress of the being caught and shipped.
This was my temporary tank i had for traveling from florida with.
The top one is Skittles, and the bottom one is Dewey.
Dewey and Skittle's new tank. It looks a bit barren but i will fix it up.
Another view.
Dewey and Skittles are doing great! Dewey changed into a new shell.
This is Skittles, she's my biggest crab but she is still not too big.
This is Peanut. Sadly she died probably from the stress of the being caught and shipped.
This was my temporary tank i had for traveling from florida with.
The top one is Skittles, and the bottom one is Dewey.
Dewey and Skittle's new tank. It looks a bit barren but i will fix it up.
Another view.
Dewey and Skittles are doing great! Dewey changed into a new shell.
My fish tank
My fish tank has really evolved over the it's lifespan of several months. The fish and decor have changed a lot. This is my fish tank at first:
This is it now:
I have been adding all sorts of plants and caves and stuff. I like the way that it has turned out, but it isn't finished! I am going to add some live plants soon. I think my fish tank will never be finished :)
Here is the fish count right now:
2 platies ( Mango and Sunny )
2 guppies ( Dilbert and Picasso )
2 otos ( Slurpie and Wink )
1 bronze cory ( Nickel )
Hermit crabs
I just got a three land hermit crabs from the beach store! They are so sweet! So far i am planning on naming the tiny one Peanut, the bigger one Dewey and the biggest one Skittles.
Right now they are living in a little plastic tank with a bowl of water, a piece of wood, some sand, shells and sponges. But when i go home ( I'm in florida ) They will have the run of a nice 10 gallon tank with tons of climbing stuff, saltwater and fresh water, humidity and heat, ect ect ect.... I want them to live a long time!!
Hermit crabs are epic because they can live 10-30 years!!!!!!!!!!! ( But sadly they usally don't live that long in captivity because some people don't take care of them correctly ) But i hope mine will live a looooong time!!!!!
Oh, by the way, that's not a picture i took.
Right now they are living in a little plastic tank with a bowl of water, a piece of wood, some sand, shells and sponges. But when i go home ( I'm in florida ) They will have the run of a nice 10 gallon tank with tons of climbing stuff, saltwater and fresh water, humidity and heat, ect ect ect.... I want them to live a long time!!
Hermit crabs are epic because they can live 10-30 years!!!!!!!!!!! ( But sadly they usally don't live that long in captivity because some people don't take care of them correctly ) But i hope mine will live a looooong time!!!!!
Oh, by the way, that's not a picture i took.
I got some guppies for my fish tank to go with my platies, cory catfish and otoclinus. They are superbly adorable! I havent taken any pictures of them yet, but i found these pictures online....
Awwww :)
I went snorkeling yesterday, and it was amazing!!!!
I saw a barracuda ( Which i sadly don't have a picture of ) A sea hare ( Type of sea slug ) A blue angelfish, A blue tang, a baby blue tang ( Which is yellow ) And a lot of other cool things that i don't ussually see while snorkeling. I wish i could add some of the pictures i took, but i'm on my moms computer that i have absolutely no idea how to use!!!
I'm going home today. It will be good to see my fish again...
I saw a barracuda ( Which i sadly don't have a picture of ) A sea hare ( Type of sea slug ) A blue angelfish, A blue tang, a baby blue tang ( Which is yellow ) And a lot of other cool things that i don't ussually see while snorkeling. I wish i could add some of the pictures i took, but i'm on my moms computer that i have absolutely no idea how to use!!!
I'm going home today. It will be good to see my fish again...
I got fish!!!
Can you believe it?
I just took them home from the pet store.
I have three platys, and i'm getting three corys. Yaaaayayayayyayayayayayyyyy!!!!
Oh yeah, i just came back from greece and italy. More on that later.
Can you believe it?
I just took them home from the pet store.
I have three platys, and i'm getting three corys. Yaaaayayayayyayayayayayyyyy!!!!
Oh yeah, i just came back from greece and italy. More on that later.
??? mystery frog ????
Tonight we found a frog randomly sitting the middle of our living room. It was a gray tree frog. I brought him outside and let him go. He was covered in soot so we assumed he came in through the chimney, but our chimney is sealed off so i have no idea how he got in. I gave him a little container of water to clean off the soot. I found him a few hours later splatted against a log, sleeping. I named him Ash, though i don't know if i will ever see him again. Good luck Ash! :)
Hmm.... I just counted my tadpoles and something doesn't add up. So i started with 12 tads. 4 days ago i let go two froglets. Today i let go 3 froglets... There is one more frog in the tank. Ok, so there should be six tadpoles in the tank, plus one tiny black tadpole...
But i just counted them, and there are 8! They multiplied!!! I am so confused right now. I didn't add anymore tadpoles, and i definately started out with 12. hmm
But i just counted them, and there are 8! They multiplied!!! I am so confused right now. I didn't add anymore tadpoles, and i definately started out with 12. hmm
Guess what? Three more of my tadpoles turned into frogs!!!!! Now there are five froglets. I let them all go
(except for two that i am having trouble catching. ) I am letting all the little guys go as soon as they turn into frogs.
Also, in our greenhouse all the plants are shooting up. The corn and tomatoes are reeeaaally tall. The praying mantids seem to be doing ok. Oh guess what? I found a spring peeper in the greenhouse! He is really cute and tiny.
i tried to catch him and take him out side, but i couldn't catch him so he's going to have to just hang in the greenhouse for a while. There are little chipmunk tunnels leading into our green house. That makes me sorta mad. Don't get me wrong, i LOOVE chipmunks, but last year they killed all of our corn and ate all of our green tomatoes before they could turn red. Sigh.
Oh good news!!! My sunflower bloomed! I planted a bunch of seeds, but only one of them grew huge. I just measured it and it was 7 feet 9 inches tall!!! And the bloom is practically the size of my face! When the flower dies i am going to put it out for the birds to eat. I will post some pictures later!!!!
(except for two that i am having trouble catching. ) I am letting all the little guys go as soon as they turn into frogs.
Also, in our greenhouse all the plants are shooting up. The corn and tomatoes are reeeaaally tall. The praying mantids seem to be doing ok. Oh guess what? I found a spring peeper in the greenhouse! He is really cute and tiny.
i tried to catch him and take him out side, but i couldn't catch him so he's going to have to just hang in the greenhouse for a while. There are little chipmunk tunnels leading into our green house. That makes me sorta mad. Don't get me wrong, i LOOVE chipmunks, but last year they killed all of our corn and ate all of our green tomatoes before they could turn red. Sigh.
Oh good news!!! My sunflower bloomed! I planted a bunch of seeds, but only one of them grew huge. I just measured it and it was 7 feet 9 inches tall!!! And the bloom is practically the size of my face! When the flower dies i am going to put it out for the birds to eat. I will post some pictures later!!!!
Guess what????
I'm getting fish!!!!
I am getting 3 corys, 3 platies, and 1 betta. I have a ten gallon tank.
My praying mantids hatched!!!!
There are a bunch of them. I think at least 100. I let them go into our greenhouse :)
Well thats about it.
I'm getting fish!!!!
I am getting 3 corys, 3 platies, and 1 betta. I have a ten gallon tank.
My praying mantids hatched!!!!
There are a bunch of them. I think at least 100. I let them go into our greenhouse :)
Well thats about it.
Hi Everyone!
Guess what? I saved a chipmunk! Well, i guess Scott and I saved a chipmunk. Or maybe just Scott saved a chipmunk. So we were swimming, and there were two chipmunks fighting on the edge of the pool. Then one of them fell in. Chipmunks are OK at swimming, but the current of the pool was whipping him around. I didn't want to grab him and freak him out ( and get bitten ) so i kept on trying to scoop him up. He looked so cold and wet! Finally Scott managed to get him, but i feel bad because when he got out of the pool he stood there shivering for a moment. Poor guy! At least he didn't drown! It's so sad when mice and chipmunks drown in pools :(
Well bye!
Stickleback care
Guess what! I filled my empty tank with ( drum roll please ) Stickleback ( TADA! )
Stickleback are small fish that don't get more than one or two inches long. They are cute little guys, and here is how to take care of them!
1) First you need a tank. One with a volume of 10 gallons is good. Maybe even something smaller, but it is easier to maintain a larger tank, and your fish will have more room to swim.
2) Next, get some water! It is easier to just use the water from an unpolluted pond or stream, instead of your tap water. Why? Tap water has chlorine in it, and you need to wait a week for the chlorine to evaporate for it to be safe. Plus, you're fish will stay in the water that they would live in in the wild. While you're at the pond\stream get some plants or rocks too.
3) Now to set up you're tank! The best stuff to put on the bottom is gravel. Preferably smooth gravel. You can buy it cheaply at any pet store. Wash the gravel, then dump it in and arrange the plants and rocks to your liking.
4) Now you can get your fish ( hurray! ) Go to a pond where you know stickleback live. They are gray, sometimes with a pinkish/reddish belly, and they have 3-9 spines on their back. Here is a picture.
Stickleback are small fish that don't get more than one or two inches long. They are cute little guys, and here is how to take care of them!
1) First you need a tank. One with a volume of 10 gallons is good. Maybe even something smaller, but it is easier to maintain a larger tank, and your fish will have more room to swim.
2) Next, get some water! It is easier to just use the water from an unpolluted pond or stream, instead of your tap water. Why? Tap water has chlorine in it, and you need to wait a week for the chlorine to evaporate for it to be safe. Plus, you're fish will stay in the water that they would live in in the wild. While you're at the pond\stream get some plants or rocks too.
3) Now to set up you're tank! The best stuff to put on the bottom is gravel. Preferably smooth gravel. You can buy it cheaply at any pet store. Wash the gravel, then dump it in and arrange the plants and rocks to your liking.
4) Now you can get your fish ( hurray! ) Go to a pond where you know stickleback live. They are gray, sometimes with a pinkish/reddish belly, and they have 3-9 spines on their back. Here is a picture.
They can look pretty different from this, but if it has spines, it's a stickleback. If you have a net, they should be pretty easy to catch. It is possible to catch them with a bucket, but it's a lot harder. Get no more than 5 fish if you have a ten gallon tank. Though they are small, they are very active, and it can be difficult to feed a ton of fish. Make sure you get at least two as they are social.
5) You can just leave them alone for the next day or two. After that, you can start thinking about feeding them. One of the problems about stickleback is they eat live food, which can be sorta annoying. The good thing is they are not picky about what live food they eat. Their favorite food is mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae is EVERYWHERE. If you have a bird bath, there is probably mosquito larvae in it. The easiest way to collect them is set a plastic container with a couple inches of water in it, set it outside in the sun for some algae to grow. Mosquitos will lay their eggs there, which will hatch into larvae in a day ( i think. ) Make sure you collect them before they hatch into mosquitos. Feed your fish every one or two days.
6) Every 2 weeks you should change some of the water. The nice thing about stickleback, is you don't have to change the water constantly. If you change 20% of the water every 2 weeks, the water will stay very clean, but water changes ever month will do if your tank doesn't have many fish in it. Stickleback come from still water, so they don't need a filter.
7) It is easiest to keep them outside, because water above 68 degrees will kill them. They prefer water under 62 degrees.
7) I have never kept a Stickleback for more than a year, as i always let them go in the fall, but i assume you can keep them in the house over winter, as long as it doesn't get to warm.
Guess what?
My tadpole eggs hatched!!! YAY!
They are wood frog tadpoles, but they currently look like little blobs. I am keeping about 12, and letting the remaining 100-200 go. I would post a picture but i cant right now so....
Oh yeah, today is the talent show! That should be fun.
They are wood frog tadpoles, but they currently look like little blobs. I am keeping about 12, and letting the remaining 100-200 go. I would post a picture but i cant right now so....
Oh yeah, today is the talent show! That should be fun.
Tadpole season has begun!
I have four green frog tadpoles.

Here is a picture of two of them.
Wood frog eggs.
Soon to hatch!
Another tadpole.
And a random bird pic!
I have four green frog tadpoles.
Here is a picture of two of them.
Wood frog eggs.
Soon to hatch!
Another tadpole.
And a random bird pic!
I have three 10 gallon tanks, each halfway filled with water, with pea gravel, rocks and plants.
My wood frog tadpoles will be in one of them when they hatch, and my green frog tadpoles are in another. I'm not sure what to do with the third aquarium... these are my options:
Spotted salamander larvae
A newt
Brook sticklebacks ( a type of fish )
Or aquatic beetles.
Unfortunately they all eat live food, which is hard to get. Sigh. Well, i will post an update on this later!
American Kestrels
This may seem like a weird thing to post about. It is. American kestrels are the smallest bird of prey and they are very cute and pretty. You may or may not of heard of them. Here is a picture ( that i did not take)
Isn't he perty! Can't you see why this is my favorite type of bird :) I saw one in my backyard once. Oh by the way, for comparison on how small he is, he is standing on a glove. Tiny!
Yes! Spring is finally here! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee! Sorry i haven't posted for a while! The snow has almost melted i am sooo happy! Soon i will be able to get my tadpoles. Wicked excited.
AAK! I am stuck inside today... blah. boring. Instead of snow, there is icy rain. Sorta annoying. Oh well.
I am back from both Florida and skiing at sugarloaf. I hope it snows again!
Well, bye. I Will post again if anything vaguely interesting happens.
Oh wait! One thing. I started a painting class and will start pottery soon. So yeah! Bye! See ya! Bye!
I am back from both Florida and skiing at sugarloaf. I hope it snows again!
Well, bye. I Will post again if anything vaguely interesting happens.
Oh wait! One thing. I started a painting class and will start pottery soon. So yeah! Bye! See ya! Bye!
Random update
Windy day
Today was windy. Like, really windy.
We went bird watching.
I got some nice pictures but this was my favorite. You can really tell its windy!
We went bird watching.
I got some nice pictures but this was my favorite. You can really tell its windy!
Yeah, i am in florida now, but it's not THAT warm. Its still nice!
Thanks for reading!
Hello. Sorry i haven't posted yet this year. I could say i have been busy, but that would have been somewhat of a lie. As the name suggested, i am going to florida in a few days.
Home of disney, beaches, and cool wildlife. I go there every year with my family.
i CANT WAIT!!! Bye!
Home of disney, beaches, and cool wildlife. I go there every year with my family.
i CANT WAIT!!! Bye!
Snow... thing
So we started to make a snowman.
Then it turned into a BIG snowman!
Then it turned into a BIG snowman!
Then i sorta turned into a snow... blob?
but then it started leaning over....
So we got an idea!
We took some green food coloring.
Some red.
Some blue.
( Oh yeah, and merry christmas)
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